Journey of 1,000 Miles

Join me in my 1,000 mile ride in the month of May to fight cancer by raising money for the Lance Armstrong Foundation.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Day 3:Biking whitens your teeth!

OK, this is a misleading title. There is no study I know of that proves cycling improves oral hygiene but I did bike to the dentist today. I got a few strange looks but they had a bike rack so obviously bikes are permitted. The hygenist asked me if I was on my way to school (I brought my backpack in.) Did she really think I look like a high schooler? I must have my father's young looks!

Daily total: 39
Running total: 104


At 8:21 AM, Blogger Joe Hansbauer said...

you may have your father's YOUNG looks, but you are definitely way UGLIER than he is!

Keep on ridin', maybe it'll make you better looking. :)


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